Call upon UK and other States to improve not-so-comprehensive sex education

12 October 2017 - The London activist Peter Thatchell has called upon the UK Education Minister and asked her to clarify why the introduction of compulsory "Comprehensive Sexual Education" (CSE) does not include attention to LGBT+ issues. GALE notes it is a worldwide trend that so-called "comprehensive" sex education is not comprehensive at all. GALE proposes to label such programs nsCSE (no-so Comprehensive).

Thatchell wants explanation

Thatchell said he is urging Education Secretary Justine Greening to provide details about her fuzzy plans for mandatory sex and relationship education in schools. He wants an explanation why the Secretary has excluded legal requirement for teachers to support LGBT+ pupils or to address LGBT+ issues. Thatchell says Justine Greening’s commitment to mandatory sex education is commendable but that it is unclear to which schools it will apply, when it will start and what issues it will cover. Because LGBT+ issues are not mentioned, Thatchell thinks the legislation will not address the needs of LGBT+ pupils.

GALE proposes nsCSE

In the ongoing worldwide review of how countries implement the right to education for DESPOGI, GALE has noticed that countries which choose to implement Comprehensive Sexual Education are often implementing only part of it. Sexual diversity is a main component which is commonly ignored. But also other more or less controversial issues are ignored or forbidden. Usually such issues are related to the sexual self-determination of young people. This is often felt as threat to the sexual control by the State.
GALE suggests that activists who campaign for real Comprehensive Sexual Education, start naming and shaming such substandard quality programs as nsCSE programs (no-so Comprehensive Sexual Education).

The full letter by Peter Thatchell can be read on the Peter Thatchell Foundation website