KomBi Training Course on Strategies and Practical Tools in Challenging Homophobia

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March 30, 2009 - KomBi offre un cours de formation sur la homophobie et la diversité des genres adressés aux personnes travaillant dans le secteur éducatif (professeurs à l'école ou entraîneurs dans l'enseignement pour adultes). Les concessions de Comenius ou de Grundtvig sont disponibles pour des demandeurs les Etats membres d'UE (excepté l'Allemagne), de Turquie, d'Islande, de Norvège et de Liechtenstein. Le cours sera tenu 20-25 septembre 2009 à Berlin.

KomBi is a non-governmental educational institution based in Berlin, Germany offering training and counselling on the issues of diversity, gender and sexual identity.

KomBi is organizing the Training course "Strategies and Practical Tools Challenging Homophobia and Acknowledging Diversity of Genders in formal and non-formal Education for Teachers and Trainers."

Course Objective

The main objective of this course is an increased awareness of perspectives of inclusion in educational settings with the focus on gender stereotypes in a binary gender system, heteronormativity and homophobia.

The course uses a variety of methodologies focusing on interactive and cooperative learning activities. There will be a mix of workshop-based working and lectures or presentations with discussions. Most of the sessions will be workshop-based involving awareness raising activities, individual reflection, pair work, small group activities, peer teaching sessions, simulations, role playing, discussions and practical training practises. Video clips are used to illustrate and deepen aspects of gender competence and diversity competence. During excursions and field work gender stereotypes in the public space are examined.

This course has been accredited and it is listed in the Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database, reference number "DE-2009-901-001". Find more information about the training course in the European database of accredited training courses here: webgate.ec.europa.eu

Course location

The course well be held from September 20 - 25, 2009 in Berlin, Germany.
The course language is English.

Eligible for grants: Educators from school or adult education living in EU member states (except Germany), Turkey, Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein.

Applying for the Course

If you are interested in participating in this course and want to apply for a Comenius- or Grundtvig grant for the course, please consult the
documents at: webgate.ec.europa.eu

There you will find more information about the application procedure (pdf) and a pre-registration form (doc).

Application deadline

You can apply for an In-Service Training Grant for this course to your National Agency until April 30 th 2009.

More information on the Training course: webgate.ec.europa.eu