China damages national image by restricting video's of homosexuality

7 July 2017 - The China Netcasting Services Association has released new strict regulations for online video platforms. According to reports, restrictions will be applied to content portraying what are considered abnormal sexual behaviours , including same-sex activity. The new restrictions are an expansion of the ban on TV drama that was initiated last year. This regulation banned showing abnormal sexual relationships and behaviors, such as incest, same-sex relationships, sexual perversion, sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual violence .


The rules demand that online video platforms hire at least three professional censors , The Independent reported. They will be ordered to view entire programmes and take down those considered not sticking to new political and aesthetic standards. Those who don't adhere to the new rules face being reported to the police for further investigation, according to Xinhua state news agency.

Damaging the national image

The new guidelines also target images of prostitution and drug addiction, damaging the national image, criticizing revolutionary leaders or portraying the supernatural, such as conjuring spirits. GALE director Peter Dankmeijer commented that the Chinese authorities have it wrong: by censoring loving relationships, they rather damage their image of harmony then give a good impression. The Chinese population is rapidly developing more tolerance towards gay and lesbian relationships.
The magazine Gay Voice said the new regulations already caused harm to the Chinese LGBT community and it will increase prejudice and discrimination.

Sources: ILGA's LGBulleTIn #93 [June 30 - July 6, 2017], The Independent