GALE Reporter

Summary of the job

GALE intends to have a "reporter" in every country. Reporters represent GALE in each country, keep the country webpage updated, monitor local news to be shared worldwide and spread worldwide news in their own country. A GALE reporter is well ideally connected with networks of people that are involved in educational policy, trainers and educators and has channels to collect and diffuse relevant information.

Organizational Context

The reporter have their own mailing group on the website and are in contact with the Executive Director, but they are not organized in a working group. For the complete recruiting procedure and other volunteer management information, please read the Volunteer Policy of GALE.

The Job

We ask the active member/volunteer to take care of these tasks:

  • Making a mailing list of media and educational organizations and contacts and keep it updated
  • Share important news about GALE with the local network(s)
  • Monitor relevant educational and LGBT news, by being member of local mailing lists or by browsing the web
  • Contact persons in key positions in order to motivate them to support GALE or work with us
  • Mail a Quick Scan Form to people who develop new strategies or interventions
  • Receive copies of the Quick Scan Forms and update the country webpage on the GALE website regularly
  • Recruit GALE members
  • Encourage GALE members to become active volunteers, for example by describing their good practices or news and submitting articles to the website

Investment and Returns

Investment: We estimate this job is going to cost you 8 hours a month. This will mainly be e-mailing and phoning at your own preferred times or at the times your contacts are available. Sometimes it will involve having a formal or social meeting with key persons in your country. This depends on your own access to these circles and your interest in diplomacy.
Returns: You will get personalized business cards. You will have the rewarding feeling to be a central networker for GALE in your country.


We think if would be preferable if you have some of these skills to be a successful reporter:

  • You live preferably in the city where the government is located (for personal contact with authorities, if possible)
  • You have a positive and involving personality
  • You have some diplomatic skills
  • You speak a bit of English (for communication with the Executive Director)

Contact Person

Please contact Peter Dankmeijer for more information. It would be best if you start with writing an application e-mail, listing the job, the reasons why you are interested in doing it and how you meet the requirements or want to learn how to meet them.