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Peter Dankmeijer, director GALE 10-05-2020 13:40

The European Anti-Bullying Certification project explored what Europe can do to help schools and member states to improve antibullying policy. Here are the 6 recommendations (video 6 37) https //

The six recommendations are
1. Review what has been done before
2. Consider is EU guidelines are possible
3. Open tender for annual EU campaign
4. Set up a Clearing house
5. Make a European map of country policies
6. Formulate European vision on bullying and democracy

Sapalidou Pavlina 10-05-2020 16:20

1. It will be good. They must check the schools and to find out their mistakes and new solutions about this problem. They have to evaluate the schools about the region, the country, the facilities and the students because each school is differrent and we cant judge them all.
2. sufficient. European Union could give some suggestions about bullying but only fundamental. The schools can see which of these fit in their problems and needs.
3. insufficient. I think that for the best result it will be good to cooperate more than one organizations.
4. perfect.Having all the solutions and programmes schools can select what fit in their problems and needs.
5. Perfect. We could see exaclty the progress of the countries and how people of these countries are sensitized on this problem.
6.Perfect. We have to do a start and to come up the diversity because we cant live in a country that we cant express ourselves.

ANNA BAFITI 17-05-2020 13:22

1. In addition to the management control, control of the content of the actions is useful to be carried out systematically, in order to verify the proper implementation of the planning.
2. The existence of basic commonly accepted guidelines orients the action. However, it is important that they do not create a binding, elaborate framework that will not allow the development of policies tailored to the specifics of each school.
3. I do not know why the proposed recommendation includes a tender. I agree with the design and implementation of an ongoing anti-bullying campaign at European level, but by a European Union agency that could be set up to coordinate action, in constant cooperation with the bodies that have experience and scientific competence on the issue.
4. A platform where all relevant interventions would be systematically recorded, as well as data on their effectiveness, would be a valuable resource for all schools in shaping their policy. It is understandable, however, that every human community has its own dynamics, so every idea, however good it may seem, needs careful consideration based on the data and / or creative adaptation.
5. Perfect, for the same reasons mentioned in Recommendation 5
6. Hate speech is a direct threat to democracy, the European humanitarian cause and human dignity. It is commonly accepted that it is a base of bullying. The denunciation of public discourse that explicitly or implicitly passes racist messages (especially when it comes from government officials) must therefore be one of the key nuclei of a European anti-bullying policy.

Christine Karagianni 18-05-2020 08:17

1 Reviewing and evaluating the practices that have been implemented would be useful and substantial in order to strengthen effective policies and renew tools.
2. A central view from the EU side would be very important, to act as a guide that schools could consult and implement. The important thing here is the flexibility and adaptability it would give to the Member States.
3. What will promote the finding of practices and effectiveness in matters of bullying management is cooperation.
4. It would be great to have concentrated tools that are applicable, accessible to all and from which each school could choose or adapt to its own particular characteristics.
5. As important as the previous one. The recording of national policies - where they exist and are implemented - is part of the exchange of good practices in issues of bullying management.
6. Accepting everyone's difference is always the first step. The free development of the individual's personality constitutes a guaranteed human right and is on the basis of a free and democratic society.

Christine Karagianni 18-05-2020 08:17

1 Reviewing and evaluating the practices that have been implemented would be useful and substantial in order to strengthen effective policies and renew tools.
2. A central view from the EU side would be very important, to act as a guide that schools could consult and implement. The important thing here is the flexibility and adaptability it would give to the Member States.
3. What will promote the finding of practices and effectiveness in matters of bullying management is cooperation.
4. It would be great to have concentrated tools that are applicable, accessible to all and from which each school could choose or adapt to its own particular characteristics.
5. As important as the previous one. The recording of national policies - where they exist and are implemented - is part of the exchange of good practices in issues of bullying management.
6. Accepting everyone's difference is always the first step. The free development of the individual's personality constitutes a guaranteed human right and is on the basis of a free and democratic society.

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